Khafeef Makhfi Ki Khwab Beeti: The Dilemma of Novel and Biography


  • Muhammad Naeem Associate Professor, Institute of Urdu, University of the Punjab, Lahore


Parapsychology, Autobiography, world of novel, Anpsi, ESP, OBE


Mirza Athar Baig is a unique and unconventional novelist of Urdu. Each of his works of art constructs a new world. On top of that, his works also change the way we look at the world. His writings seem to be the stories of an adventurer, always trying to discover a new world. In 2022, when his novel Khafif Makhfi Ki Khwab Beeti came out, readers felt this was a new (and temporary) stop for his writing. The characteristic of his fiction writing is to create a new whole by combining the insights gained from literature, social, sciences, and humanities and more than that from various arts. This time, they make a novel subject of knowledge, which does not fall under the classification of pure sciences, but beyond the empirical world of extraordinary events and sensory perception, which haunted humans for a long time. This novel deals with supernatural beings and events that are disturbing. It has been constructed as a play between autobiography and novelistic genres while engaging skeptically with Western forms of knowledge and local belief systems regarding paranormal activity.


A Revonsou, “Altered and Exceptional States of Consciousness” in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CONSCIOUSNESS, edited by WILLIAM P. BANKS (Oxford: Elsevier, 2009), 10.

Ibid, 12.

Cardeña, Etzel, John Palmer, and David Marcusson-Clavertz, eds. Parapsychology: A handbook for the 21st century (North Carolina: McFarland, 2015) ?

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Mirza Athar Baig, Khafeef Makhfi Ki Khwab Beeti: Bhayanak Mawara-e-Amoomi (paranormal) Waqeaat Per Mabni Yaddashten (Lahore: Alhamd Publishers, 2022), 90.

Ibid, 16.

Sabbagh, K. Remembering our Childhood: How Memory Betrays us (Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2009), 5-12.

Mirza Athar Baig, Khafeef Makhfi Ki Khwab Beeti, 113.

Ibid, 92.

Loïc JD Wacquant and Pierre Bourdieu, An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1992(

Joshua Klayman, “Varieties of confirmation bias.” Psychology of learning and motivation 32 (1995): 385-418.

Mirza Athar Baig, Khafeef Makhfi Ki Khwab Beeti, 96.

Ibid, 82.

Ibid, 132.

Ibid, 21.

Ibid, 24-5.

Ibid, 92.

Ibid, 17.

Adeel Naqvi, “Trends of Television Viewership among Pakistani Channels: A Time Series Analysis from July 2014–June 2018,” Global Media Journal: Pakistan Edition 12, no. 2 (2019):26-34; For the List of televisions working in Pakistan see Pemra’s following list: , accessed 16 June 2024.



How to Cite

Muhammad Naeem. “Khafeef Makhfi Ki Khwab Beeti: The Dilemma of Novel and Biography”. Zaban-O-Adab, vol. 17, no. 1, June 2024, pp. 30-48, //